AI-based Tsunami Early Warning
日本周辺では超稠密津波観測網記録を用いた津波即時予測法が急速に発展してきています.また,AIなどの機械学習技術は予測をさらによいものにできる可能性があります.本研究では,機械学習を用いた津波即時予測の高度化を目指しています.スパコンを用いて3480ケースの南海地震のシナリオ(M7.5~M9.1)の津波計算を実施し,それを教師データとしてAIに学習させ,別のM9.1の地震による津波を予測してみました.その結果,改善の余地はまだありますが,津波の浸水を予測できることがわかりました(Kamiya et al., 2022, EPS).
The early tsunami prediction method using ultra-dense tsunami observation network records has been rapidly developed around Japan. Machine learning techniques such as artificial intelligence (AI) have the potential to improve prediction. This study aims to improve tsunami prediction accuracy using the machine learning technique. Using a supercomputer, we performed tsunami calculations for 3480 Nankai earthquake scenarios (M7.5 to M9.1) and trained AI using these calculation results as teacher data to predict tsunamis from another M9.1 earthquake. The prediction results showed good accuracy (Kamiya et al., 2022, EPS), but we will continue to work on further development.

Tsunami observation array using ocean bottom pressure gauges around Japan

Tsunami inundation prediction using AI techniques of (a) conjugate gradient method and (b) multiple layer perceptron method.

Tsunami inundation prediction using AI techniques. (a)True (forward calculation) values, (b)prediction by conjugate gradient method, and (c) prediction by multiple layer perceptron method.