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Probabilistic tsunami hazard assessment


Using JAGURS on a supercomputer, we calculated tsunamis caused by many large Nankai earthquakes and constructed a tsunami database. This database was superimposed on the probability of earthquake occurrence to assess tsunami probability. Generally, a tsunami hazard map provides the tsunami risk from one of the largest earthquakes and is essential for proper and rapid evacuation action among residents. On the other hand, a probabilistic tsunami hazard map helps design defensive facilities, urban structures, and insurance rates.

本研究で求めた津波ハザードカーブ.横軸は最大津波高,縦軸は年超過頻度(横軸の津波高さを超える確率).赤線は地震のすべりに不均質性を考慮したもの,黒線はそれを考慮しなかったもの.青点線は既存の津波防御施設を除いた場合の結果.黒点は歴史津波記録から求めた超過頻度.出典はBaba et al. (2022, EPS)



Tsunami calculation area and points of interest (red circles) for hazard assessment. We calculated tsunamis from 3480 earthquake scenarios with a nesting algorithm to improve the computational grid interval.


Estimated tsunami hazard curves. The red curves indicate the original one which used heterogeneous earthquake slip models and tsunami defensive facilities. Black and blue dotted curves used homogeneous slip models and excluded the tsunami defensive facilities, respectively. Black and gray dots are frequencies estimated by historical tsunami records (Baba et al., 2022, EPS)


​Probabilistic tsunami hazard map at northern Tokushima




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